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Current File : C:/Domains/maymaytinson.com/httpdocs/filebrowser/../ckeditor/plugins/chart/README.md
CKEditor Chart Plugin

This is a proof-of-concept plugin that adds support for injecting charts into CKEditor.
To render charts, the [Chart.js](http://www.chartjs.org/) library is used.
The plugin serves as an example of using external JavaScript libraries in CKEditor, using the [widgets feature](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/widget_sdk_intro). It has lots of comments inside to help you understand how it was built.

## Live Demo

View [live demo](http://wwalc.github.io/chart/).

## Installation

1. Put the plugin into the CKEditor "plugins" folder.
2. Enable the plugin with `config.extraPlugins`.
3. Add the `Chart` button to the toolbar if it will not appear automatically.

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
    extraPlugins: 'chart'
} );

In case of any problems with installation, there is [an online sample](http://wwalc.github.io/chart/sample.html) available that should help you get started.

## Rendering charts on a website

Chart created in CKEditor is represented as a simple `<div>` element with data attributes. This is by design, because such a simplified form allows you to re-edit the chart in the future. It ensures that your content will be future-proof, allowing you to to use different styling for charts embed on your website when you redesign it or to use the future major versions of Chart.js library with different API/features.

To convert `<div>` elements into charts, include `chart.min.js` and `widget2chart.js` on your website. See the [online sample](http://wwalc.github.io/chart/sample.html).

## Configuration Options

### config.chart_height

The default chart height (in pixels) in the Edit Chart dialog window.

	config.chart_height = 400;

### config.chart_maxItems

The number of rows (items to enter) in the Edit Chart dialog window.

	config.chart_maxItems = 12;

### config.chart_colors

Colors used to draw charts. See <a href="http://www.chartjs.org/docs/#bar-chart-data-structure">Bar chart data structure</a> and
<a href="http://www.chartjs.org/docs/#doughnut-pie-chart-data-structure">Pie chart data structure</a>.

config.chart_colors =
	// Colors for Bar/Line chart.
	fillColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.5)',
	strokeColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.8)',
	highlightFill: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.75)',
	highlightStroke: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)',
	// Colors for Doughnut/Pie/PolarArea charts.
	data: [ '#B33131', '#B66F2D', '#B6B330', '#71B232', '#33B22D', '#31B272', '#2DB5B5', '#3172B6', '#3232B6', '#6E31B2', '#B434AF', '#B53071' ]

### config.chart_configBar

Chart.js configuration to use for Bar charts.

	config.chart_configBar = { animation: false };

### config.chart_configDoughnut

Chart.js configuration to use for Doughnut charts.

	config.chart_configDoughnut = { animateRotate: false };

### config.chart_configLine

Chart.js configuration to use for Line charts.

	config.chart_configLine = { animation: false };

### config.chart_configPie

Chart.js configuration to use for Pie charts.

	config.chart_configPie = { animateRotate: false };

### config.chart_configPolarArea

Chart.js configuration to use for PolarArea charts.

	config.chart_configPolarArea = { animateRotate: false };

## Screenshot

![Charts in CKEditor](http://s10.postimg.org/efvmb3fmh/chartjs.png)

## The future of this plugin

For now, this is a proof-of-concept plugin. However if you would like to leave any feedback, fill a future request, report a bug etc., feel free to do so.

## Browser compatibility

Any modern browser should be supported. **IE8 is not supported.**

### License

Licensed under the GPL, LGPL and MPL licenses, at your choice.

For full details about the license, please check the LICENSE.md file.

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